Senin, 24 Mei 2010


Borobudur built in 8-9 century by king Samaratungga from Syailendra. The name of Borobudur derived from wihara Buddha uhr from word “Barabudur” means Buddhist monastry on hill.

Consist of three temple on straight line of 3 Kms long and the line crossing 2 rivers, Elo and Progo. The means temple borobudur has 10 level classified intro 3 groups:

  1. Arupadatu
  2. Rupadatu
  3. Kamadatu

Borobudur is one the world’s wonders on the sim level’s pyramid in Egypt, big wall in China, Eiffel tower in Paris, Pisa in Italian and become world’s heritage.

The whole temple pictures journey of the soul of human being from lowest condition step by step, higher and higher until the highest or Nirwana.

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